The Apple FaceTime bug lets the person who initiated the call listen in on the other person`s phone and see through his camera, even if he doesn't pick up the call. It's actually easy to prevent spying until Apple is able to fix the bug and release it in a software update. Just disable FaceTime on all your devices.
This massive security and privacy fail is a very thought-provoking situation also because, in recent months, Apple often spoke about the reliability of the whole system... Sometimes, even the great is wrong! This issue confirms the importance of completely testing work to prevent a security vulnerability.
At Burning Buttons, we share these principles and provide Quality Assurance Software testing services and post-development support. Our QA specialists play a key role at every stage of the development process and help us create reliable full-cycle IT products that meet highest quality standards. We use following approaches to ensure quality on every stage: TDD, BDD, manual and automation testing, smoke testing, Performance and load testing, A/B testing. Also, we can protect data, prevent any data leakage and provide opportunities for backups.
How important for you is the data security problem? What do you think about QA testing?